
This glossary provides definitions for terms used throughout the project documentation.


A very long, indefinite period of time. [1]


For experiment 0.1, the event over the time period when an animal is placed in the nesting cage until the time the animal is removed from the nesting cage.


For experiment 0.1, the event over the time period when an animal starts moving the wheel on a patch until the time a pellet is delivered. Every experiment 0.1 session ends on incompleted trials.

Acquisition Epoch#

The event over the time period when the acquistion computer is on and acquiring data until it is stopped. For experiment 0.1 there are multiple acquisition runs due to Bonsai/Windows being restarted.

Acquisition Chunk Duration#

The time duration over which datastream files are written out. For experiment 0.1, datastreams were written out in files of 1 hour chunk durations.

Acquisition Chunk#

The event (i.e. all data) over a particular acquisition chunk duration.

Acquisition Slice Duration#

The minimum time resolution a user can get from an initial query of a Datajoint table (the timebin size of BLOB and QC data stored in Datajoint tables). For experiment 0.1 this was 10 minutes.

Acquisition Slice#

The event (i.e. all data) over a particular acquisition slice duration.

Task Protocol#

An integer number and associated string describing a unique behavioral task run in Project Aeon. For experiment 0.1, there were 8 unique behavioral tasks run.