(target-reference)= # Reference This reference manual details all software and hardware components, and a glossary of terms used in Aeon. It describes what these components are and how they function. For a comprehensive guide on how to use Aeon, please refer to the [complete documentation](target-home). ::::{grid} 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 3 :::{grid-item-card} Hardware Overview :link: target-hardware :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/noun-hardware-setup-6046729.svg :class-img-bottom: .sd-img-bottom-small ::: :::{grid-item-card} API Reference :link: target-api-reference :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/noun-code-6878936.svg :class-img-bottom: .sd-img-bottom-small ::: :::{grid-item-card} Data Contract :link: target-data-schema :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/noun-data-modeling-6688047.svg :class-img-bottom: .sd-img-bottom-small ::: :::{grid-item-card} Glossary :link: target-glossary :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/noun-lexicon-7107720.svg :class-img-bottom: .sd-img-bottom-small ::: :::: :::{toctree} :maxdepth: 2 :hidden: hardware api data_contract glossary