(target-getting-started)= # Getting Started Aeon is an open-source platform designed to study the neural basis of natural behaviours over naturalistic timescales, from weeks to months. It features a modular, scalable, and programmable arena where animals live. Equipped with various [interactive and non-interactive modules](target-hardware) like feeders, nesting areas, microphones, RFID readers, and high-speed cameras, this setup mimics complex environments, allowing - animals to exhibit natural behaviours such as foraging, nesting, and social interaction, and - continuous tracking of animal position, pose, and identity, providing a means to quantify the animal's behavioural dynamics and internal states at millisecond resolution. Further information about the project can be found in the [About](target-about) section. (target-tutorials)= ## Tutorials ::::{grid} 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 3 :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`location-crosshairs;sd-text-primary` Multi-animal tracking :link: target-multianimal-tracking :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/getting-started-ma.png :img-alt: Online tracking of multiple animals in the Aeon arena. ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`brain;sd-text-primary` Neuropixels recordings :link: target-npx-recording :link-type: ref :img-bottom: ../_static/images/getting-started-npx.png :img-alt: Week-long recording and analysis of Neuropixels data. ::: :::: (target-repositories)= ## Repositories The Aeon infrastructure is complex and multi-dimensional, spanning hardware, acquisition software, standard data formats, and a low-level API for data analysis. As each of these different components is built using different languages, spanning CAD programs, C# and Python, we organise Aeon into the following repositories: ::::{grid} 1 2 2 2 :gutter: 3 :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`database;sd-text-primary` aeon_mecha :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_mecha :link-type: url Aeon's main library for interfacing with acquired data ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`flask;sd-text-primary` aeon_experiments :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_experiments :link-type: url Aeon experiment workflows written in the Bonsai visual programming language ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`computer;sd-text-primary` aeon_acquisition :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_acquisition :link-type: url Source code for the `aeon_acquisition` Bonsai package used in Aeon experiment workflows ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`chart-line;sd-text-primary` aeon_analysis :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_analysis :link-type: url Python modules for analysis of Aeon experiment data ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`gear;sd-text-primary` aeon_lineardrive :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_lineardrive :link-type: url Source code for actuating a linear drive motor used in Aeon experiments ::: :::{grid-item-card} {fas}`cookie-bite;sd-text-primary` aeon_feeder :link: https://github.com/SainsburyWellcomeCentre/aeon_feeder :link-type: url Source code for pellet delivery via feeders used in Aeon experiments ::: :::: :::{note} All experiment data is acquired and/or triggered and/or synced by [Harp devices](https://www.cf-hw.org/harp). Code in the `aeon_acquisition` and `aeon_mecha` repositories makes use of the [Harp protocol](harp-tech:articles/about) during data acquisition, raw data file writing, and raw data file reading. See also the documentation on [Harp device operation and common registers](harp-tech:protocol/Device), the [Harp binary protocol](harp-tech:protocol/BinaryProtocol-8bit), and [Harp clock synchronization](harp-tech:protocol/SynchronizationClock). ::: :::{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: installation :::