Source code for aeon.schema.foraging

from enum import Enum

import pandas as pd

import as _reader
import aeon.schema.core as _stream
from aeon.schema.streams import Stream, StreamGroup

[docs] class Area(Enum): Null = 0 Nest = 1 Corridor = 2 Arena = 3 Patch1 = 4 Patch2 = 5
class _RegionReader(_reader.Harp): def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, columns=["region"]) def read(self, file): data = super().read(file) categorical = pd.Categorical(data.region, categories=range(len(Area._member_names_))) data["region"] = categorical.rename_categories(Area._member_names_) return data class _PatchState(_reader.Csv): """Extracts patch state data for linear depletion foraging patches. Columns: threshold (float): Distance to travel before the next pellet is delivered. d1 (float): y-intercept of the line specifying the depletion function. delta (float): Slope of the linear depletion function. """ def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, columns=["threshold", "d1", "delta"]) class _Weight(_reader.Harp): """Extract weight measurements from an electronic weighing device. Columns: value (float): Absolute weight reading, in grams. stable (float): Normalized value in the range [0, 1] indicating how much the reading is stable. """ def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, columns=["value", "stable"])
[docs] class Region(Stream): """Region tracking data for the specified camera.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_RegionReader(f"{pattern}_201_*"))
[docs] class DepletionFunction(Stream): """State of the linear depletion function for foraging patches.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_PatchState(f"{pattern}_State_*"))
[docs] class Feeder(StreamGroup): """Feeder commands and events.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, BeamBreak, DeliverPellet)
[docs] class BeamBreak(Stream): """Beam break events for pellet detection.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_reader.BitmaskEvent(f"{pattern}_32_*", 0x22, "PelletDetected"))
[docs] class DeliverPellet(Stream): """Pellet delivery commands.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_reader.BitmaskEvent(f"{pattern}_35_*", 0x01, "TriggerPellet"))
[docs] class Patch(StreamGroup): """Data streams for a patch.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, DepletionFunction, _stream.Encoder, Feeder)
[docs] class Weight(StreamGroup): """Weight measurement data streams for a specific nest.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(pattern, WeightRaw, WeightFiltered, WeightSubject)
[docs] class WeightRaw(Stream): """Raw weight measurement for a specific nest.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_Weight(f"{pattern}_200_*"))
[docs] class WeightFiltered(Stream): """Filtered weight measurement for a specific nest.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_Weight(f"{pattern}_202_*"))
[docs] class WeightSubject(Stream): """Subject weight measurement for a specific nest.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_Weight(f"{pattern}_204_*"))
[docs] class SessionData(Stream): """Session metadata for Experiment 0.1.""" def __init__(self, pattern): super().__init__(_reader.Csv(f"{pattern}_2*", columns=["id", "weight", "event"]))